Supporting North Florida families through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

With over 200 years of practice between us, we are North Florida's most experienced and accomplished Doulas. Our group's professional versatility provides you with a variety of prenatal, birth, and postpartum services, such as: birth doula support, postpartum doula support, dietician guidance, HypnoBirthing®, Hypnobabies®, comprehensive birth classes, prenatal yoga, birth photography, Postpartum Recovery Fitness ®, Birth Ball Basics, breastfeeding classes and in-person counseling, Bringing Baby Home classes, and placenta encapsulation.
We are widely respected by both providers and staff alike so you can be assured your doula will be welcome at your birth. We serve the three area birth centers, home births, and hospitals in Duval, Clay, St. John’s, Nassau, Columbia, and Camden counties.
We are ready to meet you!
Upcoming events & classes
Whether you are looking for a Hypnobirthing instructor, childbirth education class, breastfeeding support, or anything in between, North Florida Doulas has you covered. Click through our calendar to see local events hosted by our very own doulas.
Client Testimonials